Sunday, September 13, 2015

Not a Superhero (Children's mass Proper 19B)

Not a Superhero
13 September 2015
Proper 19B
Children’s Homily preached at Trinity Episcopal Church
Ashland, Oregon
10:00 a.m. Sung Children’s Mass
The Rev. Fr. Tony Hutchinson, SCP, Ph.D.

What happened in the story today with Jesus and Peter? 

Why do you think Peter wanted to tell Jesus that he could conquer the Romans?  

Why was Jesus so upset with Peter? 

I wonder if we like to think that God will make things easy for us. 

Was Jesus a superhero?  Why or why not? 

The Reading that Joanna did from the Old Testament—why does the speaker say that bullies will beat him up and pull out his beard? 

Does God love us, even when things are hard? 

Let’s say there are mean people or bullies at school.  Does God still care for us?  How are ways God can help us?  Who can we ask for help?  Will things be exactly how we want?  I wonder why Jesus taught us to thank God even when things are bad. 

Look at all the crosses in this church.  Why do we make the cross a symbol of our faith?  Because it’s “hoorah for Jesus’ death?”  No.  Did Jesus pray to be saved from the cross?  And then what happened?  Did he accept what happened, and still trust God?  Isn’t the cross a symbol that we must accept the painful things we have to go through, just like Jesus, but still love God? 

Here’s a little prayer that I know that helps when times are rough: 
Dear Jesus, you suffered on a cross but kept your love and trust for God.  Help me to see the good things in my life.  Please help me to have a happier time and do what I can to make things better.  And make me patient for the things that I cannot change.   Amen. 

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