Tuesday, September 11, 2018

9-11 Intercessions

Fr. Tony’s Midweek Message
9-11 Intercessions
September 11, 2018

I wrote the following inter-faith prayer, drawing from Christian, Jewish, and Muslim traditions, for a U.S. Embassy Memorial Service in Beijing on the 9-11 10th anniversary in 2011.   I share it now again on the occasion of this, the 17th anniversary of the attacks. 

Intercessions for the Anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks

All-loving and compassionate God, as we pause today to look back and to look forward, to remember and to commit ourselves, we pray to you, our only defender and author of peace.

Helper and healer of all who suffer, remember all victims of violence—those who died and those injured, those grieving and those grieved for, those who witnessed evil and thus were wounded and scarred—give them rest, and healing, and wholeness.  Remember the works of their hands and the message of their hearts.
God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

Sustainer of hope and giver of courage, bless those whom terror has gripped, those whom horror has robbed of hope and meaning, those whose hearts have grown small because of hurt.  Bring forth water in the desert to quench the thirst of their despair.
God of mercy,
hear our prayer.
Creator of all, you know our hearts and from you no secret is hid.   Wash clean our hearts of every enduring anger, hatred, and prejudice.  Calm our hearts with the gift of serenity, and help us accept what we cannot change, no matter how unacceptable it may seem.  Help us to live our best values, and purify them also to be in accordance with your will. 
God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

Defender of the weak, protect those who also help the weak by being first-responders to crisis and disaster.  Bless those who died in this heroic service on this day in 2001: the police, the fire-fighters, the care-givers.  Bless their families and friends who grieve.  Remember the works of their hands and the message of their hearts. 
God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

Creator of the Day of Judgment, you who punish wrong-doing and bless up-right acts, who weigh each and every heart, bring to justice and right desserts those who seek the innocent to do them harm. 
God of mercy,
hear our prayer. 

Victor over Injustice and Evil, protect those who work to build a more just world, and establish peace and tranquility where there is none.  We pray for our political leaders, diplomats, law enforcement officers, intelligence community and military service members, and all who work to bring about an end to the scourge of political, religious, or ethnic terrorism. Protect them and guide them, and grant them wisdom and judgment.  Make them strong and give them courage.  Keep them from harm from the evil they may see, and safeguard them from becoming callous or brutal in the struggle.  May your countenance shine upon them, and the glory of your face smile over their just works. 
God of mercy,
hear our prayer.

All-Gracious God, we pray today remembering that we are but dust and ashes, the flower of the grass that fades away in a day.  On you O Lord, we place our trust.  Never let us be confounded.  We say this all for your tender mercy’s sake, AMEN.  

Grace and Peace, 
Fr. Tony+

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