Saturday, February 1, 2020

School for Love (Feb. 2020 Trinitarian)

Fr. Tony’s Letter to the Trinitarians
February 2020
School for Love

What is the Church?  Is it a select gathering of the elect, the righteous, the saints, and rejecting the unregenerate and wicked, as the Puritans taught?  Is it a visible institution established by God in heaven, made manifest here on earth, embracing a wide range of people at different places on their spiritual journeys and subject to its disciplines, as the orthodox and catholic teach?  Or is it a three-fold combination of superimposed communities: the juridical visible institution with righteous and wicked, the invisible congregation of the redeemed, and the mixed state of both and everything in between, that the Anglican divines like John Jewell and Richard Hooker taught? 

Jesus once told a parable about this: the wheat and the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43):  “It’s a mixed field out there, with good plants and weeds indistinguishable until late in their growth cycles.  Don’t be quick to weed out the bad.  You’ll end up killing the good plants too!  Let them grow together.  It will sort itself out at harvest.”  

The tale ends with a promise that the weeds will be gathered together and burned.  This may lead us to think, “We may not be able to weed as we’d like now, but in the end, God will burn them all up!”  This is about as small-minded as thinking that St. Paul was being serious and not belly-laughingly ironic when he said we should do kindness to our enemies because by so doing “we heap burning coals on their head” (Rom. 12:20). It misses the main point of how the story ends: joy at the harvest (rather than smug self-satisfaction that one’s enemies got their just deserts.) 

In this, as in so many other parables, Jesus is taking apart our preconceptions, reworking our definitions, deconstructing our world-view.   The weeds here are noxious, but indistinguishable from the good wheat. Our rules for identifying weeds and wheat may be flawed.  We run too much risk of confusing them. 

We know who fits in and who doesn’t.  We set up boundaries for our little gardens.  We set up categories and demarcations that label some as unwelcomed weeds.   In our community, we are afraid of those we call “transients.” In our state, at one point we had a law against free people of color residing here.  In our nation, we have borders, and try, with varying degrees of success, to keep outsiders out.  In church, we divide people into categories: saints or sinners, orthodox or heretics, conservatives or liberals. We Episcopalians have a besetting sin of snootiness, so while we may not talk much about saints and sinners, we label those with good taste or bad, contributors or ‘the needy,’ those who value ‘traditional and beautiful worship’ or those who ‘prefer the latest cheap fad.’

We are tribal creatures, always wanting labels and markers:  Outsiders or insiders.    Citizens or illegals.  Saints or sinners.  Wheat or Weeds. 

But Jesus says:  your definitions are flawed.  Your boundaries are wrong.  You don’t know the garden or the plants well enough.  Let it be.  Let them grow together.  Don’t try to sort this out, let God sort it out.

Look at Jesus’ words.  “Judge not so you yourself won’t be judged.”  “Be perfectly compassionate like your Papa in heaven, who gives the blessing of rain and sunshine both on the good and the wicked.”  “Be salt for this world.”  “A truly wicked person who goes to God in sorrow is healed by his prayers.  The so-called righteous person who prays but only feels superior to others will never find that prayers help at all.” 

Jesus didn’t weed out Judas. He never rejected him, but loved him to the end.  He didn’t weed out Peter, as conflicted, impetuous, and changeable as he was.  He counseled against violent resistance of the Roman Imperium and its religious establishment toadies in Judea, yet remained so constantly engaged that in the end the Roman authorities finally felt they had to kill him as a political rebel. 
When we see evil or malice in front of us, we go into fight or flight mode. In the Church, we often try to prettify flight as “finding a better match” or “not having time” for a person.  We prettify fight by making it all beneath the surface:  love the sinner hate the sin, appear to try to respect boundaries even as we wage decades-long skirmishes of passive aggression and subtle undermining.  It’s still fight or flight, regardless of how it’s tarted up. 

But Jesus’ advice is peaceful engagement, strategic inaction.  Jesus teaches us, “Love your enemies. Pray for those who persecute you.” Wish well for those who spitefully use you (Matt. 5:44). Let God decide.  Be a light, not a judge.

We all have deep-seated emotional triggers that can really set us off and make us want to go running and demand that that weed be plucked and thrust into the fire.  But even the most sterling “righteous” anger in most of us is mixed with self-interest and fear. Think about it carefully. In this messed up world, why is it that only some bad things cause us to lose our serenity and calm?

What is the Church?  I believe it is the same thing that St. Augustine said that Marriage was:  a school for love.   

Grace and Peace. 
--Fr. Tony+  

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