Saturday, February 28, 2009

Stretching Toward Jesus (First Lent)

First Sunday of Lent (Year B)
1st March 2009 11:45am Family Eucharist
Cathedral Church of St. John the Evangelist, Hong Kong
Readings: Gen 3:1-6; 1 Pet 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15 (TEC, RCL, CW); Ps 25 (TEC); 91:1-12 (CW)
Used in this “Ash Sunday” Family Service: Isa 58, Matt 6:1-6

Stretching Toward Jesus

God, place in us a desire to change—take away our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh. Amen. (adapted from Dorothy Day)

Today is the first Sunday in the Church season that we call Lent. It is the time when we prepare for Easter by making a special effort to become more like God wants us to be. God created each one of us, and when God finishes creation, he always declares what he created to be “very good” (Gen 1:31). God has an intention, God has a plan in mind for each and every one of us.

But look at us. Even though there are lots of good things in us, and lots of good points, there are also a lot of places where we fall short, where we are not what God intends us to be, and where we even act like spoiled children towards God. Sometimes we just can’t help but say the unkind thing about a classmate behind his back because it makes us look smarter and more in line with the inside group at school or work. Sometimes we just can’t be bothered with putting in a little extra effort to help someone who needs it because we are tired, feel frustrated, or annoyed. We fall short of what God wants because of lots of different things: our fears, thoughtlessness, laziness, weakness, or our own deliberate choice.

What that means is that God is not yet finished creating us. That moment when God can look at us and say, “Very Good” is still in the future. But we have to learn to let God do this. That’s why we pray, why we go to Church and Sunday School, why we take communion, learn what Jesus taught and how he behaved. It is also why we keep Lent.

The word Lent comes from an Old English word that means lengthen, or get longer. In the Northern Hemisphere where this practice of Christianity grew, February through April are springtime, when warmth and light returns after the cold and dark of winter. The days of winter are very short and the days of summer very long. Where I grew up, in the middle of winter, the sun came up at about 8:00 in the morning and went down at about 4:00 in the afternoon. But in the summer, the sky started to get light at 4:30 in the morning and finally got dark in the evening about 10:00 pm. So in the springtime, the days gradually grew longer until they were almost twice as long as they had been in the winter.

During Lent, we too should stretch and try to get longer and taller. Not in a physical way, but in our hearts and the way we follow Jesus. During Lent, we try to remember and think on the places where we fall short, where we don’t measure up to what God wants for us, and try to set it right. Some of us give up a few things we like—like certain foods or treats—in order help us remember all the time to stretch and think about what Jesus wants us to be. Some of us make a special effort to say our prayers, to read Bible stories and other good books, and to be especially kind and helpful to others, especially those who really need the help. Some make special efforts to say they’re sorry and make up for bad things they have done to others.

When you run a race, you have your pace and your stride—how fast you move your feet and how far you place them ahead of each other with each step. A coach tells a runner to speed up: quicken your pace, lengthen your stride. That means move your feet faster and make each step count more by making it longer. Lent is a quiet time, so we shouldn’t try to do too much: moving faster isn’t the point. Making each spiritual step count more, lengthening our stride, is essential as we try to listen to God. So just like the lengthening days, our steps get longer, and we stretch ourselves more. We do this together at a special time called Lent, because doing things together and with the help of others usually helps us do them better. It also helps remind us to do it.

All the stuff in today’s service about ashes, about needing to change, about praying and listening—all of this is meant to help us remember that from now until Easter—forty days not counting Sundays, since Sundays are special days anyway—we need to really stretch to try to reach what Jesus wants us to be. We need to lengthen, just like the days are lengthening. So let’s try hard.

In the name of God, Amen

Monday, February 16, 2009

God Wants Us Whole (Morrison Chapel)

Morrison Chapel, Macau, once the chapel of the British East India Company in the territory, and now an Anglican chapel. Robert Morrison, the Presbyterian minister who worked as a translator for the British East India Company to support his mission to China and his work in producing the first published translation of the Bible into Chinese, is buried in the protestant cemetery in the chapel's churchyard.

[The following are notes from an extemporaneous homily I delivered Feb. 15 at Morrison Chapel in Macau. The officiating priest was delayed by heavy fog, which had closed the port and shut down ferries entering the territory from Hong Kong. My wife and I were visiting for the weekend. Congregants asked me to assist, and the priest asked me by phone to officiate until he arrived. We proceeded with liturgy of the word, hoping for liturgy of the table when the priest arrived. As it turned out, the delay was longer than the service. Since there was no reserved sacrament available, we finished the liturgy of the word as if it had been Morning Prayer. The congregation at Morrison Chapel is small, very diverse, and extremely warm and welcoming. For blog readers, sorry for the repeated paras from a couple of other recent sermons--but this was extemporaneous, after all. -T]

Morrison Chapel Stained Glass Window with Chinese "In the beginning was the Word."

God Wants Us Whole

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany (HKSKH/TEC year B)
15th February 2009 10:00 a.m. Liturgy of the Word
Homily delivered at Morrison Chapel, Macau
Readings: 2 Kings 5:1-15, 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, Mark 1:40-45, Psalm 42

God, let us not accept the judgment that this is what we are. . . . Inflame our hearts with the desire to change—with hope and faith that we all can change. Take away our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh. Amen. (adapted from Dorothy Day)

The Old Testament reading today and the Gospel reading deal with healings of lepers.

First a word on leprosy in the Bible: it is probably not Hansen’s disease, the highly communicable and, until antibiotics were discovered, hopeless progressive disease that gradually disfigures and then kills—the disease we call leprosy. What the Bible calls leprosy is almost certainly a fungal or viral disease of the skin like ringworm or athlete’s foot. The disease was highly polluting in terms of ritual impurity under the Law of Moses, and was to be avoided at all costs for this reason. It was seen as a source of “dirt” or disgusting filth, and this ritual pollution was highly contagious and contaminating.

Jesus, a practicing Jew, believed that mercy and humanity was more important than purity. He was what we would call a moderately liberal Pharisee in his halakic (ritual legal) interpretation.

Jesus always looks to the person before him and asks how his legal interpretation will affect her or him. He replies to stingy images of God with parables. He points to the weather and says that God gives his rain and sunshine to both good and bad people alike (Matt. 5:45). He says this tells us about God’s love for all and should be a model for us in how we treat others. Jesus points to families and notes that when children ask for bread to eat, parents do not give them stones, or when they ask for an egg to eat, do not give them a scorpion. “If even average parents try to give their children good things, how much more generous will God be?” (Matt. 7:9-10; Luke 11:11-13)

Jesus’ actions matched his words. He regularly ate and drank with people that his religion told him would make him unclean. He had dinner parties with drunkards and prostitutes, much to the horror of Jesus’ “righteous” opponents. “It is the sick who need a doctor,” he would say, “not healthy people.” (Matt. 9:12) It is almost as if Jesus went out of his way to encounter the unclean, though he knew that in so doing he was incurring uncleanness in the eyes of the Law. He reserved his deepest anger for people who put heavy burdens of the law on others, people he accused of “refusing to enter God’s door, and also barring the way to others” (Matt 23:13).

One of the major parts of Jesus’ ministry was healing, whether of mind or of body. In the story of Jesus healing the leper, we see him pursuing this call even as he approaches and engages the ritually unclean. The gospel stories of Jesus healing the sick—like those in today’s gospel reading from Mark—tell us that the ultimate purpose of God does not include disease, suffering, and death. Jesus’ ministry of announcing the in-breaking of the reign of God focused in large part in healing physical and mental suffering. This tells us that God doesn’t like horror and disappointment for us any more than we do.

But does this mean that we have an easy out with them? That all we have to do is pray and have faith, and we too will automatically have healings? No it does not. That is not the world we live in.

I was raised in a religious community that taught that God blessed the righteous, punished the wicked, and heard and answered the prayers of the righteous. My wife and I had a major trial in our faith just after we were married while we were still in college and just starting our own family. We had become friends with a young couple that went to Church with us. They were good people. After several years of unsuccessful efforts, they were able to get pregnant and had a beautiful little baby boy. After a month or so, though, it became apparent that sometime was wrong. He had been born with a genetic defect: the upper layers of his skin were not fully connected with the deeper layers of his skin. If you touched him slightly on the arm, it quickly would turn into a large blister, would easily burst and become infected. There was little that the doctors could do. Despite two months in intensive care, the baby’s body was covered with what essentially were second-degree burns. He was held suspended in a light net to prevent further damage from the bed. His parents were not allowed to touch him, so they could not even comfort him as he screamed his little life out in agony. During the ordeal, we prayed. Our friends prayed. The Church elders prayed and anointed the baby with healing oil, carefully, on the inch or so of sound skin on the side of his head. The whole community prayed. And the baby suffered and slowly died.

It is not the only time in my life when I wished that the world were as simple as I had been taught in Sunday School: my wife’s mother’s cancer, my father’s Alzheimer’s disease.

Yet I have also seen prayers answered in wonderful and miraculous ways, sometimes quickly, sometimes gradually: a deadly disease stopped in its tracks and healed, broken relationships mended and strengthened, mental illness managed. I am sure that most of you have had similar experience where we have seen or suffered great pain, but also seen miraculous alleviation of pain. But it is not a simple mathematical formula.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, talks about this in his book Tokens of Trust: An Introduction to Christian Belief (Louisville / London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007). I found what he has to say on this subject very helpful. It coheres with my experience both of prays answered and prayers seemingly rejected.

Rowan says that though God’s ultimate purpose does not include disease, insanity, and death, unfortunately the world as it is currently constituted does include these things that are against God’s ultimate purpose. Citing St. Augustine, he notes that the miracles of the Bible are most often simply the natural processes sped up a bit. Jesus turns water into wine—but this recapitulates a natural process where water, sunshine, grape vines, given enough time, produce grapes, then juice, then wine. Miracles are inbreakings of God’s ultimate intentions in the current time frame. We cannot force this, or expect it as a matter of course—we are talking about miracles here, not magic. But we can perhaps do things that make it just a little easier for God’s ultimate purposes to have their way now.

“God is always at work, but that work is not always visible. God is always at work, but sometimes the world’s processes go with the grain of his final purpose and sometimes they resist. But if certain things came together in the world at this or that moment, the ‘flow’ would be easier and more direct. Perhaps a really intense prayer or a really holy life can open the world up that bit more to God’s purpose so that unexpected things happen. We’re never going to have a complete picture on how that works, because we don’t have God’s perspective on it all. But we can say that there are some things we can think, say or do that seem to give God that extra ‘freedom of manoeuvre’ in our universe. And whether we fully understand what’s going on or not, we know that it’s incumbent on us to do what we can to let this happen. We pray, we act in ways that have some chance of shaping a situation so that God can come more directly in. It isn’t a process we can manipulate; miracles aren’t magic, and we could never have a comprehensive manual of techniques for securing what we pray for. It would be very comforting if we knew the formula for success, but we don’t. All we know is that we are called to pray, to trust and to live with integrity before God (to live ‘holy’ lives) in such a way as to leave the door open, to let things come together so that love can come through.” (p. 45)

The fact is, Jesus showed us the path here. We need to reach out to others and see the people in front of us first and foremost, as people. We need not fear contamination or condemnation. We should amend our ways when we oppress others, and work to overcome all forms of such abuse of God’s creatures. We should pray, sometimes fast, and work to make the world and our lives a little more congruent with what God’s ultimate purposes are. For what God wants for all of us is good indeed.

In the name of God, Amen.

Entrance to the cemetery just behind the chapel.

The cemetery. Morrison's grave is at the right back corner.

The gravestone; behind it is a Chinese memorial plaque erected on Morrison centenary.

The gravestone inscription.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

We Do Not Lose Heart
Third Sunday before Lent (CoE Year B)
8th February 2009 6:00 p.m. Healing Eucharist
Homily delivered at St. John’s Cathedral, Hong Kong
Readings: Mark 1:29-39; 2 Corinthians 4:6-5:5
God, let us not accept the judgment that this is what we are. . . . Inflame our hearts with the desire to change—with hope and faith that we all can change. Take away our hearts of stone and give us hearts of flesh. Amen. (adapted from Dorothy Day)

Saint Paul Writing his Epistles (1620), oil,
Valentin de Boulogne (ca 1594-1632) or Nicolas Tournier (1590-1638),
Blaffer Foundation Collection, Houston, TX.

St. Paul in 2 Corinthians says that despite all sorts of horrors, disappointments, and difficulties, “we do not lose heart.” He says the light of the gospel is a treasure kept in pottery jars, easily broken, and says that our lives are those jars. He is no rosy-lensed optimist: he details many of the disappointments and trials he himself had experienced over the years. Yet, he says, “we do not lose heart.”

I was raised in a religious community that taught that God blessed the righteous, punished the wicked, and heard and answered the prayers of the righteous. My wife and I had a major trial in our faith just after we were married while we were still in college and just starting our own family. We had become friends with a young couple that went to Church with us. They were good people. After several years of unsuccessful efforts, they were able to get pregnant and had a beautiful little baby boy. After a month or so, though, it became apparent that sometime was wrong. He had been born with a genetic defect: the upper layers of his skin were not fully connected with the deeper layers. If you touched him slightly on the arm, it quickly would turn into a large blister, would easily burst and become infected. There was little that the doctors could do. Despite two months in intensive care, the baby’s body was covered with what essentially were second-degree burns. He was held suspended in a light net to prevent further damage from the bed. His parents were not allowed to touch him, so they could not even comfort him as he screamed his little life out in agony. During the ordeal, we prayed. Our friends prayed. The Church elders prayed and anointed the baby with healing oil, carefully, on the inch or so of sound skin on the side of his head. The whole community prayed. And the baby suffered and slowly died.

It is not the only time in my life when I wished that the world were as simple as I had been taught in Sunday School: my wife’s mother’s cancer, my father’s Alzheimer’s disease.

Yet I have also seen prayers answered in wonderful and miraculous ways, sometimes quickly, sometimes gradually: a deadly disease stopped in its tracks and healed, broken relationships mended and strengthened, mental illness managed.

The gospel stories of Jesus healing the sick—like those in tonight’s gospel reading from Mark—tell us that the ultimate purpose of God does not include disease, suffering, and death. Jesus’ ministry of announcing the in-breaking of the reign of God focused in large part in healing physical and mental suffering. This tells us that God doesn’t like horror and disappointment for his creatures any more than we do.

But how do we make sense of this?

Perhaps we cannot, but still are called to pray.

Archibishop Rowan Williams (Photo Eleanor Bentall)

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, talks about this in his book Tokens of Trust: An Introduction to Christian Belief (Louisville / London: Westminster John Knox Press, 2007). I found what he has to say on this subject very helpful. It coheres with my experience both of prayers answered and prayers seemingly rejected.

Instead of giving you my own thoughts tonight, I thought I would follow a time-honored Anglican tradition of reading you a homily prepared by one of my betters. Here is what Rowan says:

“Aren’t Christians supposed to believe in miracles? Doesn’t the Bible give us a clear picture of a God who can impose his will on creation when it suits him? And if the Bible is right, then surely there is justification for the agonized cry that sometimes goes up, ‘Why does God intervene there and not here? Why are some prayers apparently answered and some not?’ I remember a vivid example from years back, when someone who had been involved in a very upbeat and confident charismatic prayer group asked why God should be thanked for finding parking spaces for members of the prayer group when he couldn’t be bothered to sort out the conflict in Northern Ireland. It’s a very good question indeed. I we are to answer it all, we’ll need to [remember the different ideas there are about the almightiness of God, and what faith in God means.]” (pp. 43-44)

“[What do we Christians mean when we talk about ‘God almighty’?] It has always been tempting to think of it in terms of what we would like so as to overcome our limitations—the ability to get whatever we desire, to resolve our own and everyone’s difficulties by a flick of the wrist. . . . If ‘I believe in God the Father almighty’ means ‘I believe that there is somewhere an unlimited power that can choose and perform anything it likes, and I need to be on the right side of it,’ that doesn’t sound as though it had much to do with trust; an almighty power like that, a huge arbitrary will, would be unsettling indeed.” (p. 15)

“The word translated ‘almighty’ in fact in the Greek [pantokrator] means ‘ruler of everything’ or even something like ‘holder of everything’; and this suggests a slightly different approach. It means that there is nowhere God is absent, powerless, or irrelevant; no situation in the universe in the face of which God is at a loss. Which is much the same as saying that there is no situation in which God is not to be relied upon. The freedom of his love . . . implies that his love never exhausts it resources, whatever happens in the universe in general or in my life in particular. . . . [W]e can get the idea of the ‘almightiness’ a bit wrong by thinking of it in terms of a great wish-fulfilment fantasy instead of seeing it as a way of saying that God always has the capacity to do something fresh and different, to bring something new out of a situation—because nothing outside of himself can finally frustrate his longing. So almightiness in this sense becomes another reason for trust.” (p. 16)

“What the Bible puts before us is not a record of a God who is always triumphantly getting his way by doing miracles . . . , but a God who gets his way by patiently struggling to make himself clear to human beings, to make his love real to them, especially when they seem not to want to know or to want to avoid him and retreat into their own fantasies about him. And typically, the Bible sometimes does this by a very bold method—by telling a certain kind of story from the human point of view, as if God needed to be persuaded to be faithful to his people. Someone like Abraham or Moses, someone who has good reason to know something about what God is really like, is faced with a crisis. Things are going badly; surely God is going to give up and blast people into oblivion. So Abraham and Moses argue with God until they have persuaded him to be merciful. These writers knew exactly what they were doing. They didn’t believe in a bad-tempered, capricious God who needed to be calmed down by sensible human beings. They knew that the most vivid way of expressing what they understood about God was to show Abraham and Moses appealing to the deepest and most true thing about God as they pray to him.” (p. 17)

“I have been trying to suggest the picture of a God whose almighty power is more of a steady swell of loving presence, always there at work in the centre of everything that is, opening the door to a future even when we can see no hope. So hoe might that apply to the question of miracles? Well, one thing that tells us is that we can’t be doing with the sort of notion of miracles that some seem to have, as if God hearing our prayers were like someone receiving applications. He ticks some and puts a cross on others and hands the forms back for action by some angelic civil service. There is a hint of a slightly more sensible approach in an idea put forward by St. Augustine in the fifth century—that miracles were really just natural processes speeded up a bit, ‘fast-forwarded’. This may be a bit too simple; but Augustine had got hold of something that many thinkers of the Middle Ages followed through in different ways. If God’s action is always at work around us, if it’s always ‘on hand’, so to speak, we shouldn’t be thinking of God’s action and the processes of the world as two opposing sorts of thing, jostling for space. But what if there were times when certain bits of the world’s processes came together in such a way that the whole cluster of happenings became a bit more open to God’s final purposes? What if the world were sometimes a bit more ‘transparent’ to the underlying act of God?” (pp. 44-45)

“God is always at work, but that work is not always visible. God is always at work, but sometimes the world’s processes go with the grain of his final purpose and sometimes they resist. But if certain things came together in the world at this or that moment, the ‘flow’ would be easier and more direct. Perhaps a really intense prayer or a really holy life can open the world up that bit more to God’s purpose so that unexpected things happen. We’re never going to have a complete picture on how that works, because we don’t have God’s perspective on it all. But we can say that there are some things we can think, say or do that seem to give God that extra ‘freedom of manoeuvre’ in our universe. And whether we fully understand what’s going on or not, we know that it’s incumbent on us to do what we can to let this happen. We pray, we act in ways that have some chance of shaping a situation so that God can come more directly in. It isn’t a process we can manipulate; miracles aren’t magic, and we could never have a comprehensive manual of techniques for securing what we pray for. It would be very comforting if we knew the formula for success, but we don’t. All we know is that we are called to pray, to trust and to live with integrity before God (to live ‘holy’ lives) in such a way as to leave the door open, to let things come together so that love can come through.” (p. 45)

This faith described by the Archbishop of Canterbury, this trust in God who is ever there, and ever loving, sustains us and keeps us from “losing heart.”

Teilhard de Chardin

Let me close with a prayer that the great Jesuit anthropologist Teilhard de Chardin wrote at the onset of the illness that would eventually kill him:

When the signs of age begin to mark my body
(and still more when they touch my mind);

when the ill that is to diminish me or carry me off
strikes from without or is born within me;

when the painful moment comes
in which I suddenly awaken
to the fact that I am ill or growing old;

and above all at that last moment
when I feel I am losing hold of myself
and am absolutely passive within the hands
of the great unknown forces that have formed me;

in all those dark moments, O God,
grant that I may understand that it is you
(provided only my faith is strong enough)
who are painfully parting the fibres of my being
in order to penetrate to the very marrow
of my substance and bear me away within yourself.

In the name of God, Amen.