Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Examen (Midweek Message)

The Examen
Fr. Tony’s Midweek Message
July 31, 2019

Today is the Feast Day of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. Originally a young soldier of fortune seeking honor and glory in war, but finding God and a call to be a peaceful “soldier for Christ” during lengthy hospitalization for a severe war injury, Ignatius rooted much of his spiritual life in the energetic use of the imagination.  The Spiritual Exercises, the heart of the Ignatian Retreat, take as their ground the practice of vivid mental recreation of passages of scripture after they have been read, with contemplatives often seeing themselves as characters in the story.   The practice of Examen, the Examination of Consciousness, as a daily practice also grounds itself in imagination. 

The Daily Examen has basically five steps, which can be done in as short as 20 minutes.   1) We begin by asking God for light, since we want to see these things through God’s eyes, not ours.  2) We continue by giving thanks for the day that is past, and drawing a vivid mind picture of all the good we enjoyed.  3) We then review the day, looking carefully at what happened, paying particular attention to how we felt about things, using what and how deeply we feel as points of entry into what is going on inside us.  Again, the point is to try to get God’s viewpoint, not simply replay ours.  4) With clear images of the day and our feelings before us, we then face what went wrong in the day, including our own shortcomings.  5) Finally, we look forward to the day to come with sincere petitions to God to help us in specific areas in our lives. 

I invite everyone to try Ignatian Examen as a regular practice, whether you have not done so before, or perhaps set it aside for a season.  I have found it very powerful, and believe it might be useful to you.   It does help sort out feelings and attunes us to God’s call for us. 

Grace and peace,  Fr. Tony+

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