Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fear and Trembling (Mid-week Message)


Fear and Trembling

Fr. Tony’s Midweek Message

October 6, 2020


“So then, my beloved, obedient as you have always been, not only when I am present but all the more now when I am absent, work out your salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12).


Do not be afraid; just have faith.” Mark 5:36


Jesus says “Do not be afraid” many times in the Gospel.  In fact, the phrase frames his ministry, life, and death: the angel Gabriel says it to the Blessed Virgin at the Annunciation and the angel on Easter morning says it to the women who come to Jesus’ tomb.  So you would think that anyone who says, “Don’t be afraid” is only echoing what Jesus taught. 


But that is both a foolish and unhealthy approach.  Jesus also said, “be wise as snakes and harmless as doves.”    When he predicted his death and suffering, his disciples said, “don’t worry.”  Jesus replied, “Don’t tempt me, Satan.”  He called on them (and calls on us) to pick up a cross and follow him in his sufferings.  This is because, as the prayer book Holy Week collect says, the way of the cross is ultimately the way of life and light. 


The Lord never promised us that we never would suffer pain or fearful things, but promised that he would always be with us in our suffering.  And he advised us to be prudent and wise.  We must do our bit with as many smarts as we can muster, but then trust in God.  In medical issues, that means following doctors’ and public health authorities’ advice in addition to praying and trusting God.   In Church in the era of Covid-19, it means following state and county guidelines for reopening, and making sure we keep the Church as safe as we can.  In an era of climate change and wildfires, it means keeping our homes’ grounds clear of flammable items and always having an emergency bag ready to take with us in case of evacuation, and working for policy change to turn back the degradation of the environment. 


Note that the scripture tells us to “work out our salvation” with “fear and trembling.”  This does not mean timidly or overly cautious; it does not mean distrusting and being terrified of God.  It means attending to real risks and dangers within the context of trusting God.   And it is work.   Attending to real risks must of necessity be rooted in informed attentiveness to the facts and science. 


Grace and peace. 

Fr. Tony+

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