Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Meister Eckhart (Mid-week Message)

Fr. Tony’s Mid-week Message
Meister Eckhart
April 10, 2013

“Do exactly what you would do if you felt most secure.” 

“If you would be serene and pure, you need but one thing: detachment.” 

“You may call God love, you may call God goodness.  But the best name for God is Compassion.” 

--Meister Eckhart

Fear, striving for self, alienates us from who we are meant to be and how we are meant to act and interact with other.  Meister Eckhart, a Dominican monk, Medieval theologian and mystic, taught that the key to happiness is to lose oneself and desire, and overcome fear:  if we cannot actually get rid of fear, then we at least can act as if we do not have it. 

In one of his most famous sermons, he said that the highest virtue is disinterestedness or detachment, and that the heart of God is compassion.  This is because both detachment and compassion cast out fear.  The truth be told, he often sounds more Buddhist than Medieval Christian. 

Eckhart ran afoul of Franciscan academic competitors, who accused him of heresy.  He made a strong defense, but died before judgment was made in his case.  Dominicans honor him to this day, as do all who see in his writing an insight about desire, fear, and self rarely seen as clearly in Western theological or mystical texts. 

Grace and Peace,
Fr. Tony+ 

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