Friday, May 6, 2016

A Collect for Mothers' Day

Wayne Forte III, Third World Madonna

A Collect for Mothers' Day 

All-nurturing God, from the womb of your love came forth all creation.  You sustain us with your loving care always.  Incarnate in Jesus, you lived as a human child under the nurturing guidance of Mary your Mother.  Pour out the abundance of your grace upon all our mothers: those among us today, those who have passed away, those whose children live, and those who have lost children.    Bless also, we pray, those who hope to be mothers someday and those whose hopes for children have been frustrated.   We thank you for all men and women who have mothered others in any way: substitutes, foster mothers, sage women, and caregivers.  Finally, we pray for wholeness and wellness of the Earth that bore us all and provides sustenance from you.   We ask this for your tender mercy’s sake,  Amen.      (AAH)   

[adapting prayers from Fr. Bryan Owen and Sherry McCameron Peyton]


  1. Thank you for this beautiful prayer. I will carry it in my heart.

  2. Do you mind if I share this with a friend, Episcopal Priest, Rev. Randy Lord-Wilkinson? Will give him your name and blogpost address. -- Merikay
